"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."
-Genesis 2:23-24
Marriage is a most sacred covenant by which, according to the Code of Canon Law, “A man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life... [and which] has been elevated by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a Sacrament between the baptized” (canon 1055). The matrimonial covenant, which “derives its force and strength from creation,”1 expresses the love and unity of Christ the Bridegroom and His Bride, the Church, and as such it constitutes a profound and mysterious vocation. This precious Sacrament is a conduit of the efficacious grace of God into the lives of the couple, the Church, and the whole world.
Matrimony Registration
The marriage registration process is initiated when a couple presents themselves to their pastor and requests to be married in the Church. An Initial Interview will take place with the couple and the Pastor. This should typically take place 9-12 months prior to the desired wedding date.
Matrimony Preparation
The following is a list of the typical steps in the Matrimony Preparation process and a provisional timeline for completing each step:
1.) Initial Interview with Pastor: 9-12 months prior to wedding date
2.) Completion of Preparation for Marriage Form: 6-12 months prior to wedding date
3.) Marriage Formation Program: 6-8 months prior to wedding date (Visit for the Pre-Cana Workshop Schedule)
4.) Course in Theology of the Body or Natural Family Planning (if not included in Marriage Formation Program): 6 months prior to wedding date
5.) Ongoing Meetings with Pastor: as determined by the Pastor
In addition to the requirements listed above, engaged couples should plan to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once during the marriage preparation process.
Sponsor Couple Program
St. Francis Xavier does not currently offer a Sponsor Couple Program; however, engaged couples are highly recommended to identify a couple in the parish or a surrounding parish to meet with periodically throughout the marriage preparation process. Please contact Vicki Horine if you would like assistance with identifying a potential Sponsor Couple from St. Francis Xavier.
For more information on Preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony, contact:
Jessica Sarver, Pastoral Associate