Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration and initiation into the church that was begun by Jesus, who accepted baptism from St. John the Baptist and also ordered the Apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Through Baptism, God enables us to participate in his life in Jesus Christ and makes us his children. It is through this sacrament that we receive the Holy Spirit and become members of the People of God, of the Body of Christ, which is the Church. Baptism becomes our commitment to grow in this new life and to strive to acquire spiritual maturity. By baptism, God purifies us from sin.
Baptism is the sacrament of faith which has the Risen Christ as its source, and it is the offer of salvation for all people. Intimately linked to Confirmation and to Eucharist, Baptism is, with these two sacraments, Christian Initiation. The child is baptized in the faith of their parents, godparents and of the Church.
Baptism is the sacrament of faith which has the Risen Christ as its source, and it is the offer of salvation for all people. Intimately linked to Confirmation and to Eucharist, Baptism is, with these two sacraments, Christian Initiation. The child is baptized in the faith of their parents, godparents and of the Church.
Baptism Registration
- Parents are responsible for bringing their child to the Sacrament of Baptism as soon after birth as possible. Families should be registered members of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and should be regularly attending Sunday Mass for at least 3 months prior to the scheduled Baptism. New members are required to meet with the Pastor prior to scheduling a Baptism. To schedule a Baptism or a meeting with the Pastor, please call the Parish Office at (812) 256-3200 or email Jessica Sarver at
- Baptisms for infants and children 7-years and younger will take place on a Saturday morning/afternoon or during the weekend Mass.
- If a child has not been Baptized by age 7, please email Jessica Sarver at to schedule an appointment to discuss preparation.
- Adults age 18 & up: Adults that have not been Baptized will participate in the traditional OCIA Program and will receive all Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, & 1st Communion) at the Easter Vigil Mass. Visit the OCIA Program page for registration information.
- Below are the documents needed for any Baptism: 1. Baptism Registration Form 2. Godparent Eligibility Form(s) (must be completed by Godparent(s) and signed by Godparent(s)'s home parish) 3. Birth Certificate 4. Parish Registration Form (if new to the parish)
Baptism Preparation
Baptism Preparation at St. Francis Xavier includes an online and an in-person component. The online component is offered through Ascension Press. Couples must purchase the program Belonging: Baptism in the Family of God. Upon completion of the online program, couples will receive a certificate of completion. They will then schedule the in-person Baptismal Preparation Class with the Pastor or his designee.
To schedule an in-person meeting, please email Jessica Sarver at or call the Parish Office at 812-256-3200.
It is extremely important to take your faith-life seriously because, before God, you have taken on an awesome responsibility for the salvation of another—your own child! Your commitment and openness to baptismal preparation will help develop the faith-life of your child as they mature.
To schedule an in-person meeting, please email Jessica Sarver at or call the Parish Office at 812-256-3200.
It is extremely important to take your faith-life seriously because, before God, you have taken on an awesome responsibility for the salvation of another—your own child! Your commitment and openness to baptismal preparation will help develop the faith-life of your child as they mature.
- The day a child is baptized marks the beginning of the Godparent’s spiritual relationship with him or her. A Godparent should be someone who will nurture the child’s faith and help him or her become a true disciple of Christ and an active member of the Church.
- The church recognizes that EXAMPLE is the most powerful teacher. For this reason, the Church requires the following:
- A Godparent must be at least 16 years old.
- A Godparent must be an active member of a Catholic Church, who worships regularly and participates in parish life.
- A Godparent must have received all Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
- A child may have 1 or 2 Godparents; if two are chosen, they must be male and female.
- If the Godparents are a couple, they must be in a valid marriage.
- The Godparent Eligibility Form must be completed for each Godparent and must be signed by the Godparent's home parish. Please submit the Godparent Eligibility Form(s) with the Baptism Registration Form.
Preparing for My Child's Baptism Day
Baptismal Garment
Candidates for Baptism should dress in white. The white garment signifies that the child has become a new creation and has been clothed with Christ.
The baptismal candle is lit from the Easter Candle. The candle represents the risen Jesus, who is the light of the world (Jn 8:12). Jesus is the light that guides every baptized person. It also represents the flame of faith, which is to be kept burning brightly. Baptismal candles are traditionally provided by the Godparent(s), but the church will provide the Baptismal Candle upon request.
Seashell (Optional)
A seashell is sometimes used to cup and pour the water during baptism. The seashell is traditionally provided by the Godparent(s), though the church will provide an alternate cup as needed.
Gift Offering
- The Church does not, can not, and will not charge for sacraments or liturgical services. Parishioners seeking a sacrament often use these occasions to gift the church with an offering or the priest with a stipend. Although these gifts are given as an expression of support for the church or gratitude to the priest, they are not payments for sacraments received. Parishioners that wish to make a gift offering for their child’s baptism should keep the following in mind:
- Please prepare your gift offering ahead of time by placing it in an envelope with the name of the child who is baptized on the outside with the date of baptism.
- Please give it to the Priest after the Rite of Baptism.
- If the gift offering is a check, please make it out to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. This offering will be noted in the parishioner’s record of donations.
Emily Tischendorf, Volunteer Coordinator of Religious EducationEmail: